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😖How can you avoid back pain

😐Don’t get stuck in the same movement patterns

🥰Allow your spine to do what it’s suppose to do and MOVE

The way we move often dictates the way we physically feel, and if you are always moving in the same pattern, then you’ll start to feel stuck

Your body will get really good at moving through the short, narrow ranges unless you ask it to do more

And all other positions and patterns will eventually start to feel foreign and restricted

ESPECIALLY when it comes to your spine

We’ve been lead to believe that a rigid spine is a safe spine, and in some situations that may be true (like when pushing for a max lift)

But limiting movement will only created limitations in your movement potential.

Remember that your spine is meant to move, and that it’s safe to load it up too. If you are concerned about your movement ability then contact me to find out more.


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