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Running workshops - injury prevention for women

Want to start running but don't know where to begin? Want to get back to running after childbirth but feeling concerned about how to start? Constantly getting injured and want to break the cycle?

Then one of my Women's Running Workshops will be perfect for you!

Focusing on women's health and issues around running, such as pelvic floor health and keeping a strong core. Including injury prevention exercises that every runner should try. I will be running a 4 week workshop with sessions aimed at creating a strong running core and how to run while protecting your pelvic floor, as well as exercises that will help prevent injury to legs and knees to keep you running longer and stronger.

Along with these sessions I will design and create and running plan catered just for you! It will include weekly workouts and run sets, exercises and stretches to keep you moving, all designed with your goals and aims in mind.

Session dates will be throughout February 2023! Book on via my website.

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