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A Little About Me!

I feel like it's time to introduce myself properly, my name is Sally, I set up this business/blog late last year (2022). I spent time during Maternity Leave of my second child re-training in Sports Massage. Prio to this I had worked in quite emotionally challenging roles, sports, and taking part in triathlon particularly for me has always been my outlet. Keeping moving, mobile, fit and healthy has always been vital in managing my all round health and wellbeing, to now have the opportunity to work with people, helping and supporting them to keep moving is truly fantastic for me.

I have always been very lucky in that sports and fitness has felt very easy to me, it wasn't until coming back to running following the birth of my first child that I found it difficult! This was a shock to me, how could something I love to do feel so 'clunky' and unatural? Although this felt like a difficult time with regards it my fitness and general health, I now look back on it as a fantastic opportunity. For the first time I actually focused on those key skills and strengthening exercises that I always avoided and never really had to do! And for the first time, I thought about how I could use this experience to help other people.

I developed SW Body Balance with the aim to work with and help everyday people in everyday life, yes, regularly active people will benefit from sports massage, but so to can many other people! The mother of young children spending hours of the day kneeling or sitting on the floor, picking up toddlers, missing sleep and feeding babies through the night. The office worker, sat at a desk or table (or making do homeworking on the sofa) for long hours and struggling with back or neck pain. The builder, mantance worker, or physically demanding worker who not only needs to keep moving for health and well-being but also for their livelihood. The retired pensioner, who finally has the time or opportunity to partake in a sport or hobby they have longed to do and wants to keep supple and moving in doing so. There are benefits to sports massage for so many more than just the 'sporty' person.

For more information on my services please take a look at my website and follow me on social media for exciting anoucnemts of future workshops and services that I'll be adding.

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